Our Community truly is a melting pot with a wide range of unique members just like any family! We aim for a goal of understanding and respecting one another, while celebrating our differences. Our events are about stepping out of your comfort zone, learning about your neighbor and making family.

Pyro Joe - The Original Music Festival Junkie
Joe is a man on a mission, and that mission is to bring light, understanding and compassion back to the world one music event at a time. Working tirelessly everyday to build our community unique experiences that expose and broaden our understanding of our different ideas, cultures, philosophies, while bringing us all together as one.

Issue with Ticket? Please Email: Help@MusicFestivalJunkie.com
(330) 671-4310
Monday to Thursday : 10:00 AM - 6:00PM
Friday : 10:00 AM -5:00PM
Saturday : 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
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